Armon V-108

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The shipyards of Armón Vigo shipyard take out a new construction "V 108" to make the official tests both of compensation of needles and the corresponding naviga

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The shipyards of Armón Vigo shipyard take out a new construction "V 108" to make the official tests both of compensation of needles and the corresponding navigation tests the oceanographic ship Armón shipyard, construction number V 108 of name "Svea" Contracted by the University of Agricultural Sciences of Sweden (Sveriges Lantbrusksuniversitet, SLU). This is the ST-367 project and corresponds to a design of the Swedish naval engineering firm Skipsteknisk A / S.
Its official delivery scheduled for June 2019 this vessel will be dedicated to the study of ecosystems, evaluation of populations of schools of fish and water quality control and other scientific studies. It will also have the capacity to analyze climate change, marine biodiversity, eutrophication, CO2 measurements, oxygen and other variables. The use of the vessel will be shared with the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Swedish Institute (SMHI), which will conduct approximately twelve annual campaigns in the waters of the North Sea and the Baltic.
The vessel measures 70 meters and 16 meters of beam and is equipped with a state-of-the-art technological system to minimize the level of noise reduction ICES 209, and will also have the best scientific and electronic equipment of the latest generation will maintain a speed of 13.5 marine knots, of the classification is occupied by the company DNV.

22. Mai 2019, 10:17